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COVID-19 Curriculum

Long COVID: What You Need to Know

Available to: Elementary School – High School
Description: The Long COVID lesson will cover the effects of Long COVID and what health experts know so far, providing timely information on the long-term impact of the virus. It will also address ways we can reduce transmission during the next phase of the pandemic.

: Closed

: Partially Booked

: Available

Session Contact Information

Please enter session contact information, if different than account contact. If you don't have an account one will be created on confirmation page.

Session Questions

What grade level will we be teaching?*

If you are signing up on behalf of more than one classroom to be taught together, how many classrooms does this sign-up represent?*

What subject(s) are taught in this/these classrooms?*(Write N/A if you are signing up for an assembly).

Total number of students?*

Demographic Questions

We collect demographic information as part of our evaluation efforts for the HEAT program. Any data shared with our evaluation partners will be shared without names. All fields are required to submit, so if you do not know the answers to any of the demographic questions, write “N/A.” If you do not have any students who match a description, write “0” instead of leaving the field blank.

How many students in each of the following grades will be in the HEAT group you’re signing up for?*

List the percent of students who identify as each of these races at your school by relevant grade level. Data from 2020-2021 school year, please.*(Example: You are signing up a class or group with 10th and 11th graders. Your school’s 10th grade is 50% African American, and your school’s 11th grade is 55% African American. Write something like “10th grade, 50%/ 11th grade, 55%” under the African American option.)

List the percent of students who identify as each of these genders at your school by relevant grade level. Data from 2020-2021 school year, please.*(Example: You are signing up a class or group with 10th and 11th graders. Your school’s 10th grade is 40% male, and your school’s 11th grade is 50% male. Write something like “10th grade, 40%/ 11th grade, 50%” under the male option.)

Just so our instructors have context for your students’ COVID experience, please briefly describe any masking, vaccination, or social distancing guidelines in place in your school and area. If you have anything you’d like to add about your students’ or area’s perspective on COVID and vaccinations, please feel free to do so here.